Top class magnetic therapy
In ancient times it was assumed that the weather influenced people. However, it was only in the 20th century that an interdisciplinary branch of knowledge was put on an exact scientific basis with biometeorology and its systematic research began. Alexander von Humboldt already used the following very broad definition of the bioclimate around 170 years ago: “The climate includes all changes in the atmosphere that affect our senses, namely temperature, humidity, changes in barometric pressure, wind, the magnitude of the electrical voltage and the purity of the atmosphere.
All conventional biotropic, ie atmospheric parameters affecting humans can be derived from the main meteorological elements; they can thus be traced back to air temperature, air pressure, humidity or air movement. Above all, changes in the thermal-hygric milieu (temperature and humidity) can affect the human condition. It can be seen from opinion polls that between 50 and 70% of the population of Central Europe consider themselves disturbed by the weather, at least intermittently in their well-being. Weather sensitivity would be one of the most common unspecific complaints of our civilization. If one applies strict biometeorological standards, up to 33% of the population on an annual average must be described as weather-sensitive in the broader sense (Faust, 1978; Harlfinger, 1993 [1] ).
In itself, weather sensitivity is not a disease, meteorological factors affect all people in the same way. Only the reaction to this is individual: those who are not sensitive to the weather are not exempt from the complaints listed below, they are only less seriously affected in frequency and form. There are striking differences between the sexes and the individual age categories; even children are sensitive to the weather. It is only in the later decades, around the age of 60, that men and women react in the same way to one another (Faust, 1978).
While weather changes represent a natural challenge for the healthy organism, ie act in the sense of “eutonization” (weather reaction), they represent “dysstress” for people who are subliminal or already manifest; in this case the organism is no longer able to properly process natural variations of its meteorological environment. Subliminal illnesses suddenly appear or existing illnesses worsen, sometimes even seriously (sensitivity to weather).
For the syndrome of “weather sensitivity”, only the most important meteorogenic symptoms are briefly summarized here (Faust, 1978): fatigue, dysphoric mood, reluctance to work, head pressure, restless sleep, difficulty falling asleep and concentration, headache, increased tendency to make mistakes, increased forgetfulness, Flickering in front of the eyes, dizziness, heart sensations, pain due to degenerative changes in the spine or surgical scars, depressive moods, anxiety, sweating, chills, loss of appetite, frequent urination and disorders of the sensory organs.
In addition to the “classic” meteorological elements that trigger weather-induced symptoms, the so-called non-trivial factors can also be considered; many of these can be assigned to the (air) electrical complex. Electrobioclimatology as a specialty of bioclimatology researches the influences of natural air-electrical factors or artificially generated electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields on living things. Except for the small range of visible light in the spectrum of electromagnetic fields and radiation, most elements of electrobioclimatology belong to the “invisible environment” and are therefore beyond direct perception.
From the point of view of frequency one has to differentiate between alternating and alternating fields, the character of the storage of the energy has to be differentiated between electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. While DC fields (static fields) have a frequency of zero Hertz (Hz), AC fields have frequencies greater than 0 Hz; In practice, the upper limit of low-frequency fields lies in the range between 10,000 Hz = 10 kHz and 30,000 Hz (= 30 kHz); with them, only a single field type can be regarded as the focus with sufficient accuracy (purely electrical or purely magnetic Character of the alternating field). Beyond the flowing limit between 10 and 30 kHz, the high-frequency range and then the microwave range follow.
According to broad consensus, electrical processes with frequencies from zero (exclusively) to 30,000 Hz fall into the “low frequency” range; Here, even if currents flow and thus, in addition to the electrical and magnetic alternating fields, both fields can be evaluated separately, unlike in the high-frequency range, there is no radiation. Alternating electric fields require time-varying charges, in the simplest and most common case there is a sinusoidal time dependency: the positive half-wave is followed by the negative, in the next period the processes repeat, the resulting electric field follows this course.
In the area of action of alternating electrical fields, currents occur in the exposed objects due to the temporally changing influential charges, the paths of which are largely determined by the distribution of better and less conductive materials: blood, for example, conducts about 10 times better than adipose tissue. Due to the geometrical relationships in the standing adult, there is an approximately 18-fold increase in the head’s originally undisturbed field strength. Therefore, the largest part of the displacement current enters the upper body, where it flows as a line current via paths that are as conductive as possible (mainly bloodstream).
With an undisturbed field strength of 1 kV / m, according to an estimate (Haubrich, 1987 [2] ) at 50 Hz, a total of about 15 μA flows over the foot area of an earthed person, the body remains relatively field-free, similar to the Faraday cage: field intensities reduced by a factor of 5 compared to the near-surface zones (Waibel and Schuy, 1978 [3] ). On the other hand, if the exposed object is not grounded, the currents are lower. The influenced currents that flow through the different body segments are mainly determined by the undisturbed field strength, the frequency of the field and the shape of the exposed object. Findings obtained must therefore always be assessed in the context of the existing conditions (Kavet, 1982 [4] ).
No scientifically proven biological effects are known below 0.1 μA / cm2; the current density of 0.1 μA / cm2 corresponds to the electrical activity in the most important organs and tissues of the body under normal conditions, the background current densities flowing in the heart or brain are in the order of magnitude of 0.1-1 μA / cm2.
In laboratory tests on cell cultures – however, there is no whole organism with all its complex control loops in vitro – with current densities above 0.1 μA / cm2, temporary biological effects have been observed, which mostly relate to minor changes in ion distributions and ion levels; Furthermore, changes in cell membrane permeabilities were detected; they could only be observed at certain frequencies and field strengths (frequency or amplitude window).
Changed Ca outflow from brain tissue preparations upon exposure to 16 Hz electrical and magnetic fields and inhibition of melatonin production by the pineal organ. At about 0.1 μA / cm2, electro- or magnetophosphenes (subjective, figural visual impressions) also occur, including minor, generally reversible effects in the tissue and an influence on circadian rhythms. Protein synthesis changes between 0.5 and 1 μA / cm2, and bone fracture healing accelerates between 1 and 10 μA / cm2; however, current densities of over 100 μA / cm2 can be calculated for a short time for the surface of electrically active nerve or muscle cells.
With the demonstration of bioclimatic effects in the presence of natural alternating electric fields (fluctuations in the air-electric field, atmospherics, especially close to the Schumann resonance frequencies), the question of the importance of technically generated alternating fields also became more relevant due to the increasing use of electrical energy. Network frequency fields (f = 50 Hz ) occur in different field strengths in the environment of potential-carrying objects; first of all, one certainly thinks of high-voltage lines and switchgear, but such fields also occur in the household and at the workplace.
In the vicinity of a 400 kV three-phase high-voltage line with 2 systems, the ground field strength in extreme cases is 8 kV / m at a height of 0.5 m at the center of the span, and around 3.8 kV / m at a distance of 15 m. The field strength decreases approximately with the square of the distance from the source. However, a further increase in energy demand can only be managed economically with higher transmission voltages; that is why greater field strengths can be expected in the area of three-phase lines at the highest voltage levels. In Austria, the most powerful long-distance lines are designed for a maximum of 400 kV, in other countries (North America, former Soviet Union), lines with higher voltages are operated.
Altmann et al. (1976 [5] ) carried out an experiment with regard to the ability to pay attention to secondary school students under a 50 V / m constant field with a superimposed 10 Hz rectangular field (30 V / m); there were statistically verifiable improvements as well as a significant reduction in sick leave from school. The same publication also reports on significantly increased resilience and increased well-being from an open-plan office under similar field conditions (150 V / m DC field, 10 Vpp / m 10 Hz rectangular pulse field).
Subjects in a motor vehicle driving simulator (approx. 100 V / m constant field and superimposed 10 Hz rectangular pulses with 1-30 V / m) showed improved driving performance (reduction in driving errors) or a flattening of the fatigue curve (Anselm et al., 1977 [6 ] ). Similar results (Kirmaier et al., 1978 [7] ) could be demonstrated in a practical driving test on 100 test persons; specifically, it was a matter of increased attention and a reduction in the number of errors. Less tiredness, headache and nervousness as well as an increase in objective well-being were determined by the doctor. All of the tests listed here were always carried out using the double blind method.
Own double-blind studies also fell within this research focus. With a similar system, as used in the school and office examinations cited, a uniform and superimposed 10 Hz rectangular field (approx. 2.9 kV / m or approx. 60 V / m ) (Fischer et al., 1977 [8] ). A second room equipped with dummies was the control. The subjects were composed of mentally disturbed people. They were exposed to the experimental (n1 = 46) and comparative (n2 = 27) conditions for 21 days each.
Within the test group, there was a slight but significant increase in the pulse rate, with the systolic and diastolic blood pressure remaining largely constant. Response time measurements on the Viennese determination device showed a significant reduction of the wrong reactions for the test group. This resulted in an average decrease in errors of 7.08 for the lowest speed and 14.96% for the medium one. In the controls, the number of false reactions increased by 17.21 and 6.70% (p <0.05). When assessing the subjective feeling according to a list of adjectives, the test group primarily decided for the features “happy”, “attentive” and “talkative”. If the constantly required treatment of the test subjects with sedative psychotropic drugs is taken into account when evaluating the results, the results, due to the improved attentiveness, demonstrated by the reduction of the incorrect reactions or by the increase in the state of being, are all the more indicative of a real stimulation.
In order to continue and objectify this work, great effort was made in terms of equipment and construction (air conditioning, shielding sheets and grilles, etc.) (Hansl et al., 1984 [9] ) while eliminating disturbing ubiquitous fields. The effects of a pure constant field (130 V / m), a sinusoidal electrical 10 Hz field (20 V / m) and an additive combination of the two on healthy male recruits of the same age (n = 50) were studied. The results showed a positive effect of the field conditions after 3 or 6 hours of exposure, this applies in particular to short-term memory performance, attention and a one-hour vigilance task. In addition, the test subjects rated themselves as more alert, focused, talkative, happy, balanced and active compared to the fieldless controls. This means that all three fields used had a significant impact on performance and well-being.
For a further field study (Anderwald et al., 1985 [10] ) with alternating electrical fields, commercially available portable, battery-operated devices were used. The subjects were encouraged to use the 10 Hz square pulse device at a maximum distance of 2 m from the body (during the day and / or during the night after an individual decision). All subjects mainly suffered from various forms of psychovegetative dystonia or from sensitivity to the weather and sleep disorders. The treatment was carried out under medical supervision and lasted between 3 weeks and 5 months. With this experience report, significant relief was obtained in the majority of the complaints recorded.
In a test series with a pilot character (Ludwig et al., 1976 [11] ), test results (Kokoschinegg and Fischer, 1992 [12] ) are to be given which, when using the frequencies, 4 Hz against sleep disorders, 10 Hz against weather sensitivity and 15 Hz against Symptoms of the rheumatic type were obtained. The selected frequencies are modeled on the main frequency ranges in the electroencephalogram: 3-7 Hz correspond approximately to the theta rhythm (deep sleep), 8-12 Hz to the alpha rhythm (rest, relaxation) and 13-25 Hz to the beta rhythm (mental activity) of brain waves.
The overall result obtained in the double blind process turned out to be extremely satisfactory. Already after 2 weeks of application, success rates, which were to be differentiated from the placebo group, were significant, partly significant, in terms of reducing the suffering. In addition, after a further 4 weeks of application of these pulsed magnetic fields of low intensities, further statistically relevant improvements in the subjective and objective condition were ascertained in all three examined symptoms.
Based on the proven success in classic civilization diseases such as postural damage, (degenerative) disorders of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism and broken bones of various origins (traffic, sports and industrial accidents), magnetic field therapy offers an alternative method (e.g. delaying operations, relieving pain) with reduced use of medication, great acceptance among “holistic medicine” oriented patients, etc.). This can also be seen from the aspect that we have repeatedly demonstrated that low-intensity magnetic fields go beyond an effect that is free of side effects and sometimes complementary to medication.
[1] Faust, V .: Biometeorology. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1978)
[2] Harlfinger, O .: Basics and results of biosynoptics. Conference documents on the occasion of the Biowetter conference (Graz, May 13, 1993). Ed .: Information Center for Environmental Protection of the State Hygienist for Styria, Volume 12 (1993)
[3] Haubrich, HJ: Biological effects of 50 Hz electromagnetic fields on humans. Electricity industry 86 (16/17), 697 – 705 (1987)
[4] Waibel, R. and S. Schuy: The influence of electric fields on organisms. Arch. Elektrot. 60, 267-275 (1978)
[5] Kavet, R .: Biological effects of electric fields: EPRI’s role. IEEE Trans. PAS 101 (7), 2115-2121 (1982)
[6] Altmann, G., S. Lang and M. Lehmair: Psychotropic effects of weather and an artificial square pulse field with a frequency of 10 Hz. Spa and climatic healing. 23 (5), 407-420 (1976)
[7] Anselm, D., H. Danner, N. Kirmaier, HL König, W. Müller-Limmroth and A. Reis: Influence of air-electric pulse fields on the driving and reaction behavior of test subjects in a vehicle driving simulator. MMW 119 (23), 813-816 (1977)
[8] Kirmaier, N., W. Schauerte and HR Beierlein: Influence of air-electric impulse fields on test subjects in a motor vehicle practical test. MMW 120 (11), 367-370 (1978)
[9] Fischer, G., H. Strampfer and H. Riedl: Effect of an artificial electroclimate on physiological and psychological parameters. Z. exp. nec. Psychol. 24 (3), 397-412 (1977)
[10] Hansl, G., H. Riedl, JR Möse and G. Fischer: The effect of electrical fields on the performance and condition of healthy subjects. Z. exp. nec. Psychol. 31 (4), 567-585 (1984)
[11] Anderwald, C., W. Gaube, A. Gränz and G. Fischer: On the application of artificially generated 10 Hz pulse fields – environmental hygienic-bioclimatic basics and first practical medical experience. Zbl. Arbeitsmed. 35, 98-105 (1985)
[12] Ludwig, HW, W. Ehrmann and W. Sodtke: Influence of psychosomatic illnesses by alternating magnetic fields. Lecture at the 2nd colloquium “Bioclimatic effects of air-electric and electromagnetic factors” (Munich, September 16 – 18, 1976)
[13] Kokoschinegg, P. and G. Fischer: Effects of pulsed magnetic fields of low intensity on biological systems and basic research on this phenomenon. Magnets in your future 6 (4), 4 – 13 (1992)